
Saturday, October 15, 2011

A Little Bit About Me

Hey there everyone!
Well apparently I'm a little bit special this week ;)
I won an award, actually I won it twice!

Thanks to Inspire Me Heather for choosing me!
You are so kind to choose me.
Her blog is really cute too, check it out!
And thanks so much to Michele from Shelstring for choosing me too!
Cute blog make sure to stop by and check her out too.

The rules for this award are:
1. Thank and link back to the person who gave the award to you
2. Share 7 things about yourself
3. Send it along to 15 other bloggers and let them know you have awarded them!
{7 Things About Me}

1. There is nothing I want more in the world than to be a
Mom and my husband to be a Dad.
2. I'm a total chocoholic.
3. I really love photography!  A passion I got from my father that I cherish.
He took me on my first outing to take pics of our little river town LeClaire when I was 12.
It's just been recently that I have ventured out and taken some candid shots of people.
Up until now it has strictly been landscapes, still life and interiors.

4. I absolutely have a thing for navy blue right now!
Especially..imperial trellis, chevron stripes, and greek key.

5. I only wear things that have somewhat neutral and earth tones.
Beige, Brown, Camel, Navy, Green, Grey, White
I don't venture into to much color or pattern.  Although I am into stripes at the moment.
I have no idea why.  I love when others do and do it well.  I have a good eye for fashion.
But I am fairly simple...denim jeans and a good ol layered cable knit sweater and boots.  Done.

6. I worked in executive retail management and merchandising for 11 years working a
 zillion hours before becoming a Legal Associate and working 8-5 Mon-Fri. 
And now blogging nights and weekends.
 And oh yeah, working for my big bro at Dwellings now too.

7. While I love my simple cottage decor and always will. 
I really want to venture out and step it up a notch.
I am loving all the more modern looks and inspiration that I have found through blogging.
Before I met my husband my apartment was totally West Elm mod. 
Now I think I've gone too far the other way.  I'm looking to find a nice balance.
I'm going to call my new look mod cottage.

{Here are the 15 blogs I've chosen}

Many have been the inspiration behind my quest for a new fresh updated interior.
And probably totally out of reach for the moment until we are in our new home.
And others are a  few of my new friends.

1. 6th Street Design Studio
2. Danielle Oakey Interiors
3. Emily A Clark
4. Caitlin Creer Interiors
5. Ten June
6. Classic Casual Home
7. Modern Jane
 8. Dear Lillie
9. Cottage & Vine
10. Blissfully Ever After
11. A Little Bit of Lovely
12. Lucite + Lavendar
13. Holly Mathis Interiors
14. The Modern Cottage Company
15. The Blooming Hydrangea

I hope you'll check them out they are all great blogs with tons of inspiration!



  1. Well nice to meet you here in blogland - your blog here is fabulous and you seem like a wonderful person!

  2. Wow! Congratulations to you and thank you passing the award on to me. What a nice group of blogs too. Thanks so much!


  3. What a fun surprise to get an award and with such a great group! Thank you so much Carrie!

  4. Hi Carrie! Thanks so much for the shout-out. I loved learning more about you. It sounds like you have fabulous taste and are a total sweetheart. xo

  5. Thank you soooo much Carrie. YOU are definitely the versatile one.


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie