
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cute Little Cottage Christmas Tree

Oh Christmas Tree...
Oh Christmas Tree...

Here is our Christmas Tree.

To be totally honest, while I love the way my tree turned out,
I was a little sad this year about this little guy.
Don't get me wrong this tree will do just fine and by no means am I ungreatful.
It's just....
Travis & I have had a tradition each year that we've been in our home.
 We normally head on out to a local tree farm on the day after Thanksgiving.
and cut down a fresh tree.  A big ol 9 foot pleasantly plump classic tree!
Well.....needless to say that tradition didn't happen this year:(

Our home is still.......on the market to be sold as some of you know.
So, we didn't know if having a real tree on our new carpet was such a great idea.
And, I really didn't want to move my big wooden table and try to find another place
for it in our home right now, nor did I want to store it.

That is when I came up with this idea.
Why not by a fairly small artificial tree and set it on top of the table?
So, that's just what I did.
We have 10 foot ceilings so even though the tree is still 6.5 ft tall it looks pretty small in the room.
I didn't invest a lot of money into a large artifical tree because frankly,
I want to go back to our old tradition someday.
(And I totally miss that fresh Christmas Tree smell when I walk in the door every night!)

I wrapped a few votives in ribbon and placed them at the
base of the treeto add some ambiance at night. 
And, I told you..I am all about red ribbon this year.
I added small touches in each room to help tie our overall look together.
It was really simple and inexpensive and I think it helped add that festive cottage touch
I was looking for this holiday season!

My ornaments I have collected over the last few years.
Most are from Dwellings. 
A few of the wooden snowflakes are from Target last year.

I also added some gingham ribbon bows to the tree.

I think this poor little guy is starting to feel a little lonely.
It's time a started wrapping presents to put under the tree!
Stop back tomorrow.
I will be posting our Holiday Tour of our Home!


  1. Wishing you luck in selling your home. We have a small artificial tree that I purchased 3 or 4 years ago and I love the convenience of it as well as not having to remember to water it and the cleaning up of needles.

  2. You proved that even a small tree can be beautiful and full of the joy of Christmas. Don't feel is lovely. :) Best wishes selling your home. Merry Christmas!

  3. So super sweet - thanks for sharing!

  4. It looks great perched up there on the table Carrie - super idea!
    I'd love it if you could link this up at my Christmas Inspiration party at

  5. I love your tree on the table! We have a live tree and I am not looking forward to the aftermath of needles! Have a Merry Christmas!

  6. That tree is adorable - just right for the present time and isn't overwhelming for people when they come to look at the house. You did a great job and it should be rewarded next year with a big, freshly cut, live tree that smells like Christmas!


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie