
Thursday, December 8, 2011

{Home for the Holidays} Link Party & Features

Hey All!

Welcome to
{Home for the Holidays}
With The Corson Cottage

I just want to thank all of our party participants and visitors for all of your support
for our first party last Friday!  We had a great turn out for our first link party ever!
We had some wonderfully talented projects link up!

Here are a few features that just warmed my heart with holiday happiness!

Annie from Lovely Things made this stunning advent calendar.
WOW Annie!  This is honestly one of my favorite projects I have seen so far this season!
Stop by Annie's blog to see her simple elegant style.  She is a fabulous photographer too.

Here is one of the other fabulous features. 
Heather from The Lovely Cupboard linked up her Metallic Mantel.
Her art work is really one of kind!  What a terrifically creative idea.
Stop by Heather's blog I love how she incorporates traditional looks with modern touches.

Thanks for stopping by the party!

Party Rules:
1. You must be a follower of {The Corson Cottage},
if not please be so kind as to become one!  The more the merrier!
2. Link up your holiday related posts! 
 Home, Decor, DIY,Craft, Inspiration, Recipe it's all good.
3. Link back to the party and visit other party guests!

That's it!  What are you waiting for???
Get your party on!


  1. Thanks for hosting the linky party. I liked Annie's advent idea too. highpointcircle.blogspot

  2. Thank you so much for stopping by Three Pixie Lane! I will add your party to my link, a Ski Lodge Christmas! Christie (new follower!)

  3. I love both of your features! I wanted to link up yesterday, but had the flu. Better late than never!

  4. Hi...I'm dreadfully late but still wanted to link up. Thank you so much for posting. I loved your post of your gallery wall. Have a good week!

  5. Wow, thank you for including my advent calendar...I'll link your blog to that post! I really do appreciate it!


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie