
Sunday, January 15, 2012

{Grow} An Inspirational Blogging Series Part 3 ~ Blogging Goals

I have been gabbing all week about all the big changes I plan to make in 2012.
Check out the first posts in the {Grow} series here.
Today I am going to share my plans for Growing my Blog in 2012.

~ Blogging Goals ~

1. I would love for my blog to continue to flourish in 2012.
My goal is to reach 500 followers by the end of the year.
Okay ~ So I'm trying to be realistic.
But on the chance that we get to start working on our new home,
I really hope that number may be a little higher:)
Why not set your goals HIGH!
So, I have another number in mind, but I don't want to come across to greedy.

2. I want to continue to {Grow} my content.
More in depth posts.  Share a little more of who I am and where I hope to go.
(Hence, the {Grow} Series)

3. I would love to say I plan to blog everyday.
But, I am gonna go ahead and give myself a break on that one;)
Frankly, with my full-time job, family obligations, life, helping my brother out at Dwellings part-time.
Well...there are only so many hours in a day & for now I still like to sleep some.
So, I will do my best to give it the old college try when life allows.
I will vow to continue to try & post more often.
Reality is that when week's like last week happen just know to not count on it.
But please know that I have not forgotten. 
I have not lost interest. 
Life has just consumed my time.
And I will return!

4. Continue to try to focus on the quality of my projects.
I really want my projects to be a true reflection of my taste level.
Sometimes I feel like the finished project in my home currentlyis not a true reflection of me.
It is the vision I had for this home & also what the budget allowed in this home.
I want to push myself out of my comfort zone and really try to
pull off a more upscale look and feel that I hope to carry through my decor in the future.
While still remaining on a budget.
I truly believe you can pull of sophisticated casual elegant looks for less.

5. I would love to continue to grow my blogging friendships &
the sense of community here at The Corson Cottage.

6.  Get a fresh look for my blog in 2012.
Reality ~ It may have to wait until budget allows.
I want to make sure that the look is something I will want to keep
a little more long term.  While I love my imperial trellis header design.
I have never really liked the yellow. 
I want to make sure that the look I choose for the blog is a true representation of
the casual modern cottage look of our home and also of me.
I'm thinking something a little more on the neutral pallet.

7.  Start a weekly link party.
Not sure of the name yet or which day.
Working on this one!
Keep on the look out.
Hopefully it will be coming soon.

8. Improve the quality of my photos.
Work on staging my photos more.
After all, the photos I share here represent me.
Step it up! 
Work on having magazine quality images.
I have been known to be credited with a great eye for photography.
Prove it!
Learn more about photography.
Maybe even take a class.
(I have done this, but it has been years...)
I really would love to get a better camera...but this is just a pipe dream for now.

9. Work on offering a service on my blog.
My own website???  Perhaps...
An Etsy shop???  Maybe...
E-Design???  Possibly....
We will just have to wait and see where my creativity leads me!

10. I know it's early and my blog is still small.
But, I would love if someday my blog would have an income.
I did not start blogging with the hopes that it would make a dime.
But, after reading so many success stories.
I figure heck, why not? 
Maybe one day that could be me?
I am not reaching for the moon & stars here.
It would just be really nice if someday this turned into a nice little added income
for the Corson household.

11.  Add sponsorships.
This is again, really a more long term goal.
But, why not be optimistic and keep your goals in site.

12. Attend a blogging conference.
I would love love love to meet some of those bloggers that inspire me daily!
Okay, so this may not be the year. 
This could be a little costly...
But, remember be optimistic and keep your goals in site:)

If you are interested in checking out the rest of the {Grow} Series go here.
Hope you all had a great weekend!
Monday is just around the corner....

Linking Up


  1. I have some similar goals for growing our blog, but I can only do what the budget allows. It's a work in progress, for sure.

  2. That was really great post; it completed my day which I am looking for great ideas all day long. And I’m thankful that I made to visit your site. Thanks a lot.

  3. My blog is quite new and I have a lot of the same goals as you do for 2012. Some I already do (like offer services and have my site designed the way I like it- well, needs a few more tweaks and possibly a new font). I like that you're looking at the big picture instead of just focusing on numbers. Here's to expanding your blogging community!

  4. I just landed on your blog while blog-hopping, and boy am I glad that I did! After devouring your "Grow" blogging series, I feel my blogging mojo returning! I have been struggling with some of the same issues/fears that you write about, and it is so refreshing to know that 1) I am not alone; and 2) I can fix this. I especially enjoyed Part 3 of the series, your blog goals are pretty much identical to mine! Thank you for taking the time to write this series and inspire others!


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie