
Friday, November 9, 2012

Wordpress vs. Blogger ~ Thoughts?

I'm tossing around the idea of converting from Blogger to Wordpress.
What are your thoughts?
I am looking to update the look of my blog to feel a bit more modern while still feeling classic.
Truth:  I've never really felt as though I have perfected the look & appearance of my blog to be
 a true representation of my creativity and style.
So, I've been searching for the Right Thing if you know what I mean.
I really love some of the fantastic themes that are out there for Wordpress blogs.
I've been wanting to take a Wordpress class (when I can find the time.)
I also know there are some great tutorials out there.
But, maybe then again its really just all about content & I should stick with what is simple for me.
So, naturally, thought I would ask those of you who support me along the way!
Which blogging platform do you use?
Has anyone made the transition from Blogger to Wordpress?
Is it as scary as it seems???
Do you have to be completely HTML savvy?
PLEASE I need your help...let me know your thoughts!



  1. Although I do prefer some of the looks that Wordpress offers a blogger, I tried it once and was too confused to continue so I stuck with Blogger.

  2. Maybe you could register a dummy name on Wordpress to see if you like using it. I am on Blogger and have no plans to move. I've heard Wordpress has nice themes, but I've also heard a lot about security issues. That may be the case for Blogger, too, but if it is I haven't come across those stories and it's not an issue I've had.

    Do you know specifically what you want to change? I have some things I need to tweak on my blog, but I've always found it relatively easy to make big changes with Blogger if you're willing to get in there and edit the code yourself. Back when I started my first webpage, in the mid-to-late '90s, a lot more people did HTML because, well, you had to. Now there are more languages to complicate things, but it's all still doable. Whenever I want to change something and I don't know how, I just Google it. I figure that's easier than learning a whole new platform.

  3. I have extensively used both in recent past. The major advantage with wordpress is themes. But again you need to consider other aspects:
    Will this transition affect your site traffic? (in you case YES, because you are not having your own blog. It is hosted on
    Learning a new platform

    I have heard that recently Google has updated Blogger platform with plenty of new features. Please try them all before you transit!

    My opinion is you should continue with blogger.

    ~ Herman Swan

  4. Hi there, I'm new to your blog, but thought I'd chime in. I have a new blog (since August) but after a couple of months, I decided to make the switch over to Wordpress, because I figured I could have a little more control over what my blog looked like. It was very scary, and I don't recommend going about it the way I did, which was pretty much to do everything live. That's a new blogger for you. Not that anyone really noticed, I don't have a ton of followers or anything, but when you put so much time and effort into something, you want it to work. My blog design is constantly evolving and I'm still trying to find my blog identity, so it's a bit eclectic, but I love being able to tweak it however I want and whenever I want. The WordPress blog is a very helpful resource. That said, I'm a tweaker by nature, and don't mind getting into the nitty gritty html and css styling. I probably should have done a little studying up on css before I started the switch though, and it might have gone a little more smoothly. If you like to play with different styles and don't mind getting into css and html, then I say go for it. Otherwise, stick with Blogger and google how to make the changes you want to make. There are some pretty amazing Blogger blogs out there. Oh, and one more thing, I don't host my blog over at WordPress, it's self hosted, so there's that option too.

  5. It is good to hear you going wordpress. There are tons of powerful plugins that helps gain reputation.
    But don't give up this blog too, you can make backlinks to your new wordpress blog. Cheers!


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