
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Photography ~ My Favorite Images of the Holiday Season

Tis the Season!
A few of my fav snap shots of the Holiday Season!
I got a new Canon DSLR just before the holidays rolled in.
I've been busy snapping away ever since.
I thought I would share some of my personal favorites with you all.
Last year I shared a Holiday Home Tour with you all.
This year, since I'm missing the major component (the Home) at the moment,
I thought I'd share some Holiday Happening pics instead.
Primitive Cottage
Penny Waters Studio
I just love falling back in love with my passion...{Photography}
It brings a simple joy to my life, just like the spirit of the Holiday Season!
This is a joy I have the pleasure of cherishing all year long!


  1. Excellent, beautiful photos filled with the sights of LeClaire . . . Merry Christmas .

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I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie