
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

My Life ~ An Update

Hello friends! 
It certainly has been a long long time.
Far too long if you ask me.
I thought I would pop in briefly tonight to give you a quick update.
Yes, I'm still blogging!
Yes, our renovation continues onward full speed ahead!
I can't wait to catch you all up to the present day to see how far we have come.
It has been a very long winter thus far.
I have been very absent from blogging & I am sorry for that!
To be totally honest.
I have no idea how all you bloggers do it!
Does anyone else know what I mean???
You all make it look so easy
A little DIY project a day,
a perfect house,
no crazy life to interrupt your blogging frequency.
Well, life has caught up with me & I have only been able to juggle so many balls at once.
These last two months have been so incredibly hectic!
I started off the new year with technical difficulties with my blog.
Then moved into death flu 2013.
I was completely down & out for an entire week.
3 Weeks later, I am finally starting to feel like myself again!
All while working my full time job, that I was just promoted at 6 months ago.
(I'm still a bit of a newbie in my new role.)
We are making so many decisions on our renovation right now,
I can hardly keep them all straight!
Let alone find the time to blog about them! Ha!
How do you do it?
The cherry on top...
I have also made a huge commitment to myself
that I need to improve my over all health and well being.
This is the year!
My Year!
I have always struggled with my weight, my whole life.
I have always stayed active and managed it to some degree.
But, two years ago, I under went a major spinal surgery.
I think it was my body's way of saying enough is enough!
In the beginning I was diligent about my recovery regimine.
However, time passes & your body heals...& you go back to the same ol same ol.
Well, not any more!
I have finally decided that no matter what, I am making a commitment to take time for me.
This year I have been taking time for me to improve my over all health and well being.
I have been blessed to have a dear friend reach out just when I needed her most.
We have been challenging ourselves at the gym about 5 nights a week.
It is exactly what my body needs, & what I need!
Making & Taking the time each day to focus on my health is extremely important to me.
So, for now, at least until our lives resume to some sort of normal
(if there is such a thing, I'm hoping post reno normal will resume)
I am okay, with being a little absent from the blog the last month or so.
I hope my readers will understand.


  1. Wonderful to hear from you Carrie. . . I understand what it is like to be juggling too many things at one time. Wise you are to be considerate of yourself. Happy to see and hear about your rennovations when you have the time and energy . . . Until then . . . Be hapy and well!

  2. Yay for you! Just write when it's convenient...we'll be here!

  3. Always important to take time for yourself and good health...good for you! You have a lot going on even without getting the flu! Take good care which it sounds like you are doing! xo

    PS love the new look of your blog :)

  4. I found you googling Spring Centerpieces :) I noticed your post with the snowball viburnum! I have a big snowball bush in my yard and look forward to making big bouquets every April! Glad I found you! I wonder how people can do it too! For me I am blown away by the bloggers that do tablescapes every other day!! Me time sounds wonderful! Good plan! Happy to follow! Come visit my blog wen you ave time :)


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie