
Friday, September 10, 2010

I can't believe it's been a year!

Well, I have been a bit under the weather so, our fixer upper hasn't gotten much fixin lately. 

But, I thought I would share our reason to celebrate with you.............

This weekend my handsome hubby and I are celebrating our
 First Year Anniversary! 

We actually were married on 9.12.09 on the Mississippi Riverfront in LeClaire, our home town.  It was truely the best day of our lives!  It was a beautiful day!  The wedding and reception were casual and elegant, simply perfect! I thought I would share some of our wedding photos with you.

We are very lucky to have so many talented people in our lives.  We have wonderful memories to remember this weekend and forever! 

My big brother Michael (he owns Dwellings in LeClaire - you will hear more about Dwellings I promise) anyway.........he and I planned most of the details along with my Mom and of course Travis (who really just said okay to most of my ideas, notice I did not say all of my ideas!) And it truely would not have been the same without  spectacular florists in the fam as well!  My Mom's best friends (Marge and Jean from Freckle Farm) did our floral!  Did I mention how handy it is to be married to a carpenter?  Travis made the picnic style table and benches for our wedding party to sit at. 

All of the photos were taken by Tiffany Weaver!  Candid and fresh! 


1 comment:

  1. Hello, Carrie. I just happened to discover your blog... I would like to say: HAPPY ANNIVERSARY! Your wedding looked lovely!
    Best regards,


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie