
Monday, September 6, 2010

Welcome to The Corson Cottage

Hello all!

We are the Corsons.

My name is Carrie Corson and my handy husband is Travis Corson. My husband and I are both from the same small old rivertown in Iowa. We grew up in LeClaire, Iowa. We come from the belief that hard work and perseverance will accomplish all things.
This is our blog The Corson Cottage.

I have been inspired to blog about the ups and downs of updating our fixer upper. This is our first home. While we have lived here for two years, it is still in need of a bit of TLC. I hope that you will join us through this process as we begin to make our memories for our future. Hopefully this blog will give us something to look back on years from now and appreciate how far we have come. If I can inspire someone else along the way, as those that have inspired me, all the better!

By day I am a Legal Associate for a corporate Law Department. By night I am a wife to my beloved husband and mother to our lil dog Lucy. By starting this blog it will give me the opportunity to have a creative outlet. I love to decorate our cottage style bungalow on a budget. Travis is a contractor/carpenter/builder. He started his own business, TC Construction, two years ago and is still going strong. He stays very busy. Which leaves me with my weekends to dable in decor. If you are still reading, Thank You! Please stop back often to check out our updates.

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you’ve imagined." Henry David Thoreau

1 comment:

I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie