
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

{Grow} - Inspirational Blogging Series Part 1 - My Word For 2012

Welcome to Part 1 of our Inspirational Blogging Series.
If you missed our intro click here to find out more about what inspired this series.

Today I would like to share our
2012 Word of the Year

(perhaps you had already guessed it from our series title;)

to increase by natural development, increase in size or substance

For me the word {Grow} encompasses so many meanings for my hopes & dreams for 2012.

Last year was a tough year for my husband & I.
I had to overcome a huge obstacle when faced with health issues with my back.
I had to undergoe a spinal surgery and many, many months of recovery.
Well...we were able to PERSERVERE in 2011.
After a struggle to get through the first half of the year, last year we really came so far.
I was shocked & so proud of what we were able to accomplish considering our obstacles.

All we hoped for last year was to get by, to make it through,
to survive, to do our best to PERSERVERE.

Well, for 2012 I have many more aspirations.
For that reason I chose the word {Grow}
I'm focusing on 3 areas that I hope to {Grow} in 2012.
~Family, Self, & Blog~

~ Family ~

I hope to be able to continue to {Grow} & nurture our young marriage of only 2 years.
Most of all.
My husband & I would love more than anything in the world for our family to {Grow} in 2012.
We do not currently have any children.
Faced with many uphill battles, we know that this too, will be yet another hill to climb.
We also know that it could be the biggest and best reward of all:)

~ Self ~

Do you ever have that problem that just when you feel like you're on right at the tip of
something...maybe something you've never done before, or something you don't know how to
do, or something that you think you could be great at, but you're just not sure how to start it,
how to complete it, how to finish it. 
Maybe it's something you have wanted to do for your whole life, but never have. 
Maybe you don't know who to go to for help. 
Or it's just to whimisical and not practical?
Perhaps it is just a task that seems to daunting...
A unfinished project that you don't know where to go next...
Have you even failed at it in the past...

What do you do in times like this???

Do you run for this hills?
Do you slowly back away & leave it for another day?
Do you turn your efforts elsewhere as a distraction?
Do you stifle your creativity?

Do you go for it?
Do you charge full speed ahead?
Do you nuture your creative side?
Do you figure it out?
Do you ask for help?

Well, this is my year to {Grow} the self.
I have so many challenging things on my plate this year.
So many things that I'm not even sure if I can get them all done.
I'm not sure if I know how to do them.
I'm not sure that I know the right place to go to for help.

Is that going to stop me?
Not this time!!!

Because I am going to {Grow}
{Grow} my ambition.
{Grow} my follow through.
{Grow} my understanding.
{Grow} my knowledge.
{Grow} my creativity.

There is an extremely talented and creative girl inside me & I'm tired of
pushing her to the back burner.  I want her to {Grow} in 2012.

~ Blog ~

I would love for my blog to continue to {Grow} in 2012.
Because of our tough 2011 in the beginning of the year I didn't really focus my efforts on this at all.
It wasn't until Fall 2011 that I really started to focus more on developing my blog.

So, for this year I want to set my goals high!
Heck, I just want to set goals for my blog this year period.
I would love to continue to {Grow} new friendships through blogging.
I would love for my posts content to {Grow}.
I want my projects to {Grow}.
I want to {Grow} my consistancy.
I want to {Grow} the frequency of my posts.
I want my discipline, routine & planning to {Grow}.
I want the quality of my photos to {Grow}.
I want to open up more & share more & {Grow} as a blogger.
Maybe even {Grow} some extra income, any income from blogging.

As you can see I have a lot to {Grow} in 2012.
Wish me luck.
What is your word? 
What do you plan to do with 2012?

If you are interested in hearing more of our plans to {Grow} in 2012 visit here.

I will be linking up
The Shabby Creek Cottage


  1. I've passed the Versatile Blogger Award onto you. Check it out!

  2. Grow~ what an inspiring word!

    Be blessed.

  3. Very wise not to put that creative girl on the back burner. She would steam and bubble until she had to explode and be noticed! So, you grow, grow, grow! Great post.

  4. Blessings on growth in your new year!

  5. A word that we all could use a touch of this year.


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie