
Sunday, January 8, 2012

{ Grow } a blogging inspiration series ~ intro

Hey there! 
Hope you all had a great weekend!

In my last post I shared with you all that I was at a bit a blogging roadblock.
You can read that here.

I'm sure you have all been there at one point or another.
So...after a week of bloggers block.

I found that with the busy blogging holiday season &
 all the great link parties I could hardly keep up. 
After all that was over....I was a bit lost.
I had lost my mojo.
No new projects to share.
Nothing witty to write.

I put on my big girl boots and decided to do something about it!
I decided to turn to the blogs that started it all for me, for some much needed inspiration.

I realized something while I was searching for my inspiration.
I had been so busy, that I hadn't taken the time to refuel my inspiration tank.
Yeah, I had been all over visiting all kinds of blogs & commenting.
But I hadn't really taken the time to soak it all in.
Do you do that?

Let me tell ya those girls did not disappoint.
No they certainly did not!

Here is how I got my inspiration!
I started off the last week following along with a few super talented ladies.

Let me tell ya...this is a great candid series with GREAT tips
from some really seasoned talented bloggers. 
Each blogger provided their input on each day of the series.
The Nester started off the series with Authenticity & Blogging
Thrifty Decor Chick blogged about How to Make Money Blogging.
Tatertots & Jello blogged about Building a Community & Social Media.
Miss Mustard Seed shared some fabulous tips about Photography & Styling.
Centsational Girl shared tips on The Juggling Act & Balancing Time.

Next I found this fantastic series at Funky Junk Interiors.

Donna is a trip. 
 She will just step all over your toes & kick your butt right outta that funk.

Lastly, I visited The Lettered Cottage.
Layla had a great suggestion to pick a Word of the Year for 2012.
Pick one word that has the ability to inspire you for 2012.
I had never done this before.
Have you done this?
If I had to think of one for our lives in 2011 it would definitely be PERSERVERE.
We had a tough year but we made it through in great style.
You can also share your word at her link party on January 16th.

Well I chose my word.
My word for 2012 is GROW.

I have been inspired!!!
I have refueled my blogging fire!
I can't wait to share it with all of you!

I thought it would be a great idea to start a short inspirational series
 to share my plan to{GROW} in 2012.

Now, I do mean {GROW} in a literal sense, as in grow my blog.
But I also have so many other aspects of life and blogging that I need to {GROW} in as well.
I hope that you all may find something useful and inspiring in this series too.
Who knows maybe we can {GROW} together:)
So, I hope you'll join us this week for the {GROW} series here at The Corson Cottage.

Stay tuned for the next part of the series to find out
more of what the word {GROW} really means for me.

Okay, so still not starting to get inspired? 
Scroll back up there and click on those links and soak up some inspirations.
If that isn't enough you can check out some inspiring words here.
Find something, find anything, that one place, that one blog, that one book,
one magazine that gets your juices going. 
Get your mojo back!

Want to read the entire {Grow} Blog Series go here.


  1. Hi I saw your comment via Funky Junk Interiors... Thanks for the inspiration. I totally hear you on your blogging journey experience. I feel the same way about mine. Cheers to GROW this year :)

  2. Hello sweet friend! Sounds like you are right on track. Now I would like to add one more inspiration to your growing list. I want to invite you to stop by my blog, five other bloggers and I are hosting an "impossibility" challenge and we would love for you to join us!



I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie