
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Looks I Love ~ Chic Modern Country

As I head into a new year.
I have done a lot of soul searching.
For me my home decor really has to speak to me, to my soul.
That is why it is ever evolving.....right along with me as I grow.

This year I really want to make sure that vision comes through in my designs.
You know that feeling when you walk into a space and it
can nearly take your breath away for just a moment? 
You soak in all the scents, all the texture & your senses are nearly on overload.
You nestle into that perfect serene escape and know it is perfectly "YOU".
You just want to stay there and never leave.
I want THAT feeling in my home.

So, I thought I would do a few posts showcasing some of the
inspirations that really speak to my soul.
There are so many looks I Love.
I have a tendency to get a little lost, or stuck on one look for a while & back to another.
Do you do that too?
At times it can be really challenging for me to achieve that perfect balance.
I'm going to work really hard to try to achieve it from now on.

I'm not sure what it is exactly....
I will always have to have a touch of country in my home decor.
I didn't grow up on a farm or anything.
I did however, grow up in small town surrounded by the lush corn fields of Iowa.
I just love the natural simplicity of a fresh country look.
My husband grew up on a farm so, it also brings a touch of him into our look.
I think for us Country is Comfort.
The comfort of our roots.

Do you have trouble finding balance in your decor style?
I have started making pin boards on Pinterest by Style Type category.
I encourage you to set up your boards by the styles you love.
Then Pin until your hearts desire.
After you have pinned each of your looks.
Make a combined Pin Board with your favorites from each.
Next, do a post of how to you plan to merry your styles.
Let me know if you try this!
I would love to see your Pins!


  1. Gorgeous style, Carrie! Luv it!!! That grainsack sofa stole my heart! :)

    xoxo laurie

  2. Hi! I'm visiting from the SCC and I'm your newest follower, love your style of decorating. I'll have to try that on Pinterest, I'm so addicted to it!


  3. Carrie,
    I love you blog!
    I stopped into my favorite LeClaire store, Dwellings yesterday and your aunt gave me your blog info. Love, the crisp, clean look of your blog and the great styles you like!

  4. I completely agree with you...a little country is total comfort. I'm 49 so I have figured out what makes me happy and I surround myself with just those things. I have a few modern pieces, like a Saarinen table, actually 2 and the Knoll Barcelona chairs, but it's all mixed in with old stuff and it's the mix that I love most. Isn't Pinterest fabulous?!

  5. I've been bouncing around some home decor blogs so I'm not sure how I ended up here--but I'm so glad I did.
    Right up my alley. I am going to enjoy looking around. Thanks for the inspiration~Eileen
    (I LOVE that first photo of the truck)


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie