
Monday, February 6, 2012



After 6 long months....
Today we accepted an offer on our home.
We still have a few steps to get through before it is all finalized.
{Home Inspection & Appraisal}
Crossing our fingers.....that all goes well!!!

It has been a while since I last posted.
Sorry for my absence.
We have just been really busy!
Lots of showings on our house (thank goodness).

For those of you who have been reading our story, you may recall
several months ago when we started the whole process of putting our home on the market.
Read about the week that started it all here.
Lots of updates, tons of DIY, paint, paint & more paint, curb appeal & staging.

Travis & I can not wait to start the next chapter of our lives!
If you are new here, my husband & I are moving back to
the charming small town where we both grew up in LeClaire, Iowa.
We have a great deal in store for the coming year!

Here is a peak at the next chapter of our lives!

We will be taking this little diamond in the rough from drab to fab!
This little beauty will be completely gutted from the inside out.
It will no doubt be one of the biggest challenges we have ever done!
But we are sooo up for the challenge.
Travis is a contractor so this is right up his alley
 & I get to live out one of my biggest dreams to help design my own home!

We will not be living in the home during the remodel.
My Mother has graciously offered up her home to be our crash pad.
Thanks Mom!

So, I hope you will join us on our journey!
We are so excited to share it with you!


  1. That is great news! So happy for you, all your hard work has paid off and now it's on to the next project! Will be fun to see what you do with the diamond in the rough. If you are going to be busy moving, I found it so helpful to have guest bloggers take over so I could focus on moving and my blog had some fun stuff while I was away. Good luck with the inspection & appraisal!

  2. Thanks so much Ange! Great idea about guest bloggers! If anyone is up for it send me an email for consideration. I will keep you all in the loop when moving day gets closer. Carrie

  3. Congrats on a chapter closed and the beginning of a new one! Can't wait to see what you have in store.

  4. Congratulations! Such great news! Fun times ahead. Can't wait to follow along! :)

  5. wonderful that your house sold! I've seen some in our area stay on the market for over a year. Onward and upward and do have fun with the house re-do! It's a lot of work but you are both young and will do fine with it...

  6. Congrats! Your new home looks so charming--can't wait to see the inside!

  7. I can't wait to see what you do with the place. It's adorable.

  8. How exciting. Yes, do all this while you are young. Can't wait to see this as you work on it.

  9. it looks super cute from the outside! hope all goes well with inspection, etc. congrats!

  10. Congratulations on your move! I am moving into a new home next week. Love your blog and am now a new follower. Hope you will visit my blog as I will have a lot of post about my home.

    Have a wonderful week!

  11. That is so exciting! I hope all goes well for you in the whole sale and moving process. It's never a whole lot of fun, but when it's over, it's GREAT! Best wishes!

  12. How exciting! Your new renovation looks like it has a lot of potential.

  13. Congratulations! I can't wait to see how you transform your new home!


  14. Congrats on selling your home!! Thanks so much for linking up!!

    XO, Aimee

  15. Congratulations on your new is adorable and I can't wait to follow along as you all make it yours!


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie