This week I have been focusing on our Blogging Series
I have been sharing my plans for Growing in 2012 with you all.
If you missed the first posts you can check them out
here and
Today I thought I would give you a little insight as to how I plan to change within myself.
Afterall, I can not possibly get all the things accomplished this year,
If I do not take the time to take a long hard look at myself.
What do I want?
Who do I want to be?
Where do I want to go?
What is stopping me?
How will I fix it?
I mentioned before that I think there is this truly fantastic inspiring
creative girl inside of me who is just dying to get out!
Truth be told....I think know she has always been there.
Sometimes she gets a little more close to the surface than others.
But...for some reason....she always seems to be stifled.
Put on the back burner.
I'm not sure if she is scared of not making it?
Afraid of failure?
Afterall she is the one who holds all the hopes and dreams close to her heart.
Sometimes she even feels there may just not be time for her.
With priorities and life and budgets....Ughhh those darn budgets (She really hates those!)
Will people take her seriously?
Is she to whimsical?
I can talk her back inside so deep it takes something pretty inspiring for
her to resurface.. to really want to show up to the party ~ ya know?
Heck she should be the life of the party!
(And the party planner of course;)
Well, I am vowing in 2012 this is her year!
No more excuses!
This girl is part of me! This girl IS ME!
Do you hold yourself back from your creative dreams???
Do you talk yourself out of being the real you?
If you said yes, maybe, sometimes.
Well, STOP!
Why would you possibly want to hold back the best part of you?
And another thing...
When it comes to finishing what I start...
It is time to finish all my Lofty, (Yes~sometimes whimisical) Goals, and Projects!
I can be totally gung ho...ALL IN to some project
or learning something new, or just an all out great idea.
Completely engrossed and motivated.
Then it happens.
I hit the roadblock.
It's never just a little pot hole, it always seems to turn into a brick wall.
I know I am my own biggest obstacle.
If I hit the roadblock.
I sit idling for a while.
I don't know how to do something, I don't know who to ask for help,
I become indecisive, I become inpatient, I second guess myself, then I have doubts, then it turns into full blown fear, before you know it....
Then I get bored and turn around and go in another direction completely.
Why can't I ever push through the darn wall?
Do you do this?
Well, I am also vowing that I will not do this anymore.
In 2012 I will charge full speed ahead.
(Well, maybe proceed with caution.)
But, I will not stop, or take alternative routes.
I will stick to my plan!
I will accomplish the things I set out to!
Here are a few of my Goals for 2012.
These are just personal goals, not necessarily blogging goals.
(I will share those in the next part of the series.)
I have a lot on my plate for 2012.
But, I know I CAN DO IT.
Some of these things.....are totally the kinds of projects
that as soon as I get going and don't know how to the past I would stop.
NOT this year!
Okay, so I do not have much control over this.
But, god willing IT WILL HAPPEN ~ & the sooner the better!
2. Work hard to make sure our new home fulfills all our hopes, dreams and aspirations.
And looks absolutely darn right fantastic.
Pull the finished product we are looking for.
3. I will make a website for my brother's store Dwellings.
He has been in business for 8 years and it is past due to be online.
He sells home decor and accessories.
Now, my brother is extremely talented, creative and business savvy.
But techinical he is not.
That is where I come in.
I can totally see his vision.
We can pretty much finish each other's interior design sentences.
So, I know the look he will want.
This will be a huge challenge for me.
But it could also be extremely rewarding.
This may require a class or two.
But, I will get it launched.
4. Push myself to fulfill my creative goals.
I would love to hear some of your goals for 2012.