
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Dwellings Holiday 2012 ~ Part 2

I've been so busy that I almost forgot to share Dwellings Holiday 2012 Part 2 with you!
I have been helping out each weekend at the shop this season.
Don't worry, Travis is holding down the fort on Our Renovation.
The progress continues! 
Can't wait to share our updates this week!
The shop is a glow in downtown LeClaire!
Festive & fun holiday decor for your home.
The shop has been a bustle for the holiday season!
Adorable whimsical pixies!
What a great alternative elf on the shelf!

What a festive & fun Christmas Season it has been!
Only a few days left!
If you're in the area stop in for unique gifts galore!
 Interested in seeing more of LeClaire, Iowa at the Holidays click here!
Wishing you all a Happy Holiday Season!

1 comment:

  1. I just love this store front and all of the items in the store. Is it yours? I'm new to your blog visiting from the WOW party.


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie