
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Our Best Before & Afters of 2011

Long posting.
I have been a little under the weather this week.

We had an absolutely fantastic Christmas!
We are so blessed to have spent great times with our families that we can cherish.
I hope you all did too.
I hope you all have a great New Years Weekend!

Looking back at 2011.
We did A WHOLE LOT of work around here this past year.
I thought I would recap a few of our biggest and best projects of 2011.

We started outside and worked on our curb appeal a bit.
To see more of our curb appeal go here.
Here is the before shot.

I would still LOVE to change the front door. 
But the handy hub says no for now (too big of a job & we want to move out....)
Okay....ok....I will let him have this one for now......

Then we moved inside and worked on our front & back porches.
And let me tell ya....they were in some serious need of some TLC!!!

front porch before

front porch after

You can see more of our front porch here.

back porch before
(well...really somewhere in the middle this project got a wee bit outta control)

awhhh...much better  back porch after

To check out more of how we transformed our back porch go here.
The porches are definitely some of my favorite rooms in our home.
I love the crispness of the white.

Next we moved on to the dining room.

dining room before
Early Fall 2010

dining room before
Late Fall 2010

As you can see we went with a lighter color on the wall to help
brighten up what always seemed like such a dark space.
When we first moved in I painted the walls that navy color and I never liked it for that room.

dining room after

And....FINALLY we (well...mostly Travis) refinished our hardwood floors!!!
This project made such a difference in our home.
I just love how it brightened up the room and made it look much more finished.
To see more go here.
We also refinished the hardwoods in our two bedrooms upstairs.
Check them out here.
We did not stop there....

We moved on to the living room that still needed a little love.

living room before

living room after

We spruced up the living room with some new carpet.
We also swapped out an old dingy sofa for one my little brother had in storage.
To see more of our living room transformation go here.
This is another room that if I had my way the paint color would so be gone!
It was another oops too dark.
It will do for now.

We also updated our bathrooms this year.
bathroom before

bathroom after

To check out more of this bathroom update go here.

upstairs bath before

upstairs bath after

You can see more of this update here.

Well......I say not to shabby of a year here at the ol Corson Cottage.
Cosidering the obstacles we faced with my health in early 2011.
We certainly accomplished a lot around here in the later part of the year.
We managed to take what once was our fixer upper & turn it into a home.

Now...if we could just find that perfect buyer for our home!
We would be in business!!!
And moving on to our next project.

Hope you all have a safe and Happy New Year!

Don't forget to stop by for our last
 {Home for the Holidays}
Link Party of the season tonight!


linking up to


  1. Great changes! Isn't it fun to look back and see all you have accomplished for the year? I'd love for you to link up at me Year in Review post. My favorite is the dining room, so bright and fresh! Happy New Year!

  2. Everything is so cute I can hardly stand it! You are a home decor artist! I love how everything has so many layers and depth! Thanks for sharing at Overflowing with Creativity! I’m excited to continue being inspired by you in 2012!!! XO, Aimee

    I'd love to have you make a quick stop by and enter to win my first giveaway!!! Crossing my fingers you win!!!

  3. just love your before and afters. what a lot of hard work and love that you put into your home. I especially love your front and back porches. What great spaces to kick back with some tea/coffee and read your favorite blogs!! happy new year!

  4. Your white floors are fabulous! :)

  5. Wow, Corrie - you guys really did alot of work on that sweet little house! The transformation is amazing! GREAT JOB!!! :) You'll certainly have no problem selling it when you're ready. :)

    xoxo laurie

  6. I really love this post. Your house is beyond darling and WOW, the amount of work and design you have managed makes me feel like a slacker! I look forward to sharing 2012 with you. Happy New Year

  7. Love what you have done to your house. Your blog looks great too!

  8. Wow. You did so much in a year. Painting the porch floors white makes an amazing difference. I knew you blog looked familiar...I pinned your bathroom with that amazing mirror a while back. I love your modern cottage style. I am not going to lose sight of your blog again, I just became your newest subscriber!!!

  9. Well done! love seeing all of the before and after. The artwork in the bathroom upstairs is fab too. Hugs! P.S. I hope you'll stop by Katherines Corner and add your lovely blog to my blog list page :-)

  10. You are sooooo talented. I love that upstairs bath and everything else. I am working on a recap of our projects...should have done it sooner.
    Happy New Year!

  11. Way to go, Carrie!

    All of your projects are awesome, but that bathroom makeover is STUNNING!

    I LOVE it!

    Would also love for you to stop by for a visit!

    P.S. I'm your newest follower! : )

    ~Abbie (

  12. Wow, you really accomplished a lot in 2011! Your house is goregous - love all the white and warm woods. And the bathrooms are fabulous. I'm a new follower!

  13. Wow, your home is just beautiful and so nicely styled!! You guys tackled so much this year, nice work!

  14. Love this! I'm your newest follower from southern hospitality! Happy New Year- Stop by for a visit!!


I love your comments! I appreciate each and every cottage visitor and hope you willll come back again soon! Carrie